Monday, March 17, 2014

Pay Per Lead Programs And How You Can Make Bank

Any body who has a reliable brain in the Marketing business can  tell you that pay per lead programs will make you some serious bank especially if you know how to spin them. Say if you run a dating blog that gets one hundred or so hits a day, and you have an add on your website that says hey go to this site here. Then nine times out of ten you have a thirty percent chance of getting a potential sign up for a website. Say for instance that someone goes to this link here Friend Finder and signs up, that means i make $1.50 off of the lead for lead generation. Makes sense don't it? Or perhaps even this website here Dating Gold, which can lead to severe amounts of money if you know how to spin them.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Cryptoforex For Beginners

Has anyone ever heard of Bitcoin? What about Litecoin? Well if you haven't heard of them I suggest you become well acquainted because this here is a money maker, especially when it comes to long term investments. First thing I would recommend is getting Bitcoin and Litecoin wallets because you will need them. How this works my friends is it works on how unstable some of the markets for crypto currency are. One month Bitcoin could be worth as much as one thousand dollars per Bitcoin and the next month it could be worth one hundred and twenty dollars. You see the whole thing behind trading with these two crypto currencies is buy into Litcoin when the price is cheap (Litecoin is usually really cheap due the the currency being younger and easier to "mine") maybe around ten to twenty dollars per Litcoin, and trading back and forth between Bitcoin and Litecoin until you have a nice sized fortune in Bitcoins. You see you have to buy into litecoin when its around ten to twenty dollars then wait until the price raises to around thirty to fourty dollars per Litecoin then trade all of the Litecoin you bought (hopefully you bought at least an even one hundred dollars worth of Litecoin) for Bitcoins. There is a catch however, this method only works when the price of Bitcoins go down. Say if the price of Litecoins go up to fifty dollars per Litecoin yet the price of Bitcoin is around twelve hundred dollars that means your trade isn't going to be worth anything especially if the price of Bitcoin momentarily drops like a rock. However say if the price of Bitcoin momentairly drops like a rock to around one hundred and ten dollars, it means that you can trade the one hundred dollars worth of Litecoin that you bought for one hundred dollars worth of Bitcoin with a guaranteed return of investment plus profit when the price of Bitcoin goes back up. When the price of Bitcoin raises up through the roof take one half of your total Bitcoins (around five hundred dollars worth if you have one thousand dollars worth of Bitcoin) and trade it for Litecoins. ONLY IF THE PRICE OF LITE COIN IS IN THE TEN TO FIFTEEN DOLLAR RANGE!! Afterwords once Litecoin goes up to thirty to forty dollar per Litcoin range and the bitcoin bubble bursts (once in awhile it does) trade the Litecoins back into Bitcoins ONLY IF THE BITCOINS PRICE IS CHEAP IN THE ONE HUNDRED TO THREE HUNDRED RANGE!!!! This method is so easy that a neaderthal with one half of a brain cell can do it but if you're having trouble understanding then here is a simplified explanation:
-Buy into Litecoin
-LTC (Litecoin) price raises and BTC (Bitcoins) goes down then trade LTC for BTC
-When LTC goes back down and BTC goes up trade one half of  BTC for LTC
-When the price of Litecoin goes up and the price of Bitcoin goes down trade your Litecoin for Bitcoin
Continue doing this and I guarantee you that you will become rich in crypto currency which you can either spend at an online marketplace that accepts Bitcoin, You can convert it back into money through an exchange, or you can buy precious metals with it however I recommend that you go the precious metal route ( you got rich time to buy some gold). Right now I only know of one website that sells gold, silver, and platinum and accepts Bitcoins and that site is Amagi Metals
In all honesty I hope I have helped you in some way shape or form but remember that investing is the same as gambling so be careful. Good luck and happy hustling

Monday, January 6, 2014

Why affiliate marketing does not work on facebook and how to circumvent them

Facebook does not allow affiliate links on their website for a few simple reasons. Number one is that with the amount of friends everyone has, the share post option, and the mass exposure the said persons like would be receiving, the person would become rich and Facebook wouldn't get their share of the persons loot. The second reason is that Facebook runs their own ads and with the risk of someone having the same ad as them Facebook would loose out on massive profits, therefore I have a way to circumvent that. What you have to do is simply post a link to your landing page, and there you have it. You have your landing site link spread all over Facebook and you still make the same amount of bank, with the same amount of shares, and at the same time you don't piss anyone off. Happy hustling people and remember to use common sense, don't let the promise of quick profit turn you into a fool.

My top five favorite hustles

Every day whether you're selling houses, cars, or washing windows that's basically hustling. These days in this economy you have to do what you have to do to make that money. The thing is you never pass up a chance to make a dollar because a  DOLLAR MADE IS A DOLLAR EARNED AND A DOLLAR EARNED IS A DOLLAR MADE.  In all truthfulness there are some things people are not willing to do but I'm going to point you in the right direction right now. These here are my top five favorite money makers.

1. Prowling Craigslist for those free items.
Now i know what you must be thinking "wtf am i going to do with a item" SELL IT DUMMY!!!!!
Any free items that you get equals 100% profit after you subtract for gas. You can make some serious bank off of

2.Scrap collection.
This one here is a no brainier, what you do is you go around and collect scrap metal and then turn it in to a collection place for a profit.

3. Those winter time cold rushes
During the winter you can sell hand warmers to people that need them. everyone is going to want one and everyone is going to need one. This could be a lucrative hustle especially if you live in the northern climates where its cold twenty four seven. Get yourself set up with this hustle in alaska or northern Canada and your going to be set for life on this one.

4. Survey websites
There are these website that will actually pay you for your opinion believe it or not. Some have ptc (paid to click) opportunities, Sites where you can get paid to watch videos, and places that pay you decent money just to answer a few lousy questions. The only one I personally trust is swag bucks they have a decent rewards program where you can earn gift cards for your favorite online stores, you check it out and be the judge on that one.

5. Bake sales
If you and your family get together, make some sweet treats, rent a space at a large flea market, and sell the stuff, you and your family are going to make a bit of money. I would recommend treats that you know are going to sell and such. This won't make you rich, especially after costs and everything, but it would pay for a small vacation after a year IF you play your cards right.

Well ladies and gentlemen there you have my top 5 favorite hustles. Now this here is not a complete list, and i would recommend you coming up with your own ideas on this subject because in this game filling a niche where no one else has ventured will make you rich. What you do and how you do it is totally up to you let your creative juices flow and get that brain of your working. Being your own boss is tough, but there is that sweet satisfaction of making dollar and not having a boss grinding you to get more work done. Laides and gentlemen goodnight and happy hustling.